Mechatron in Ecotec and Savenergy Exhibitions
The trend towards sun tracking technology by a significant number of investors, periptero-mechatronreinforced by the radical decrease in feed-in tariffs, was confirmed by the large interest recorded in the 5th Ecotec International Exhibition in Athens and the 8th Energy Saving Exhibition, Savenergy, in Cyprus, where Mechatron took part.
There was also high interest by large photovoltaic plant investors, following the big projects developed recently with Mechatron’s systems.
Mechatron had the chance to present the solar trackers of tomorrow, the most advanced technologically sun tracker range, through which the company managed to gain the position of the indisputable leader in the Greek market and to claim an important standing in the international arena.
Specifically, the company presented Mechatron Solar Trackers S80 (single axis) and D180 (dual axis), which constitute the crowning of its long experience in research and production of innovative and technologically advanced products. These systems have been installed in 65% of the country’s photovoltaic plants that use trackers, among which there are the largest projects of their kind.
Mechatron’s impressive presence, as well as visitors’ and investors’ huge interest, especially outdoors where the two systems were fully deployed and operating, confirmed the company’s leading role.
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